Bộ 5 đề khảo sát chất lượng đầu năm môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Có đáp án)

  1. An astronaut can ______ the spaceship and walk in space.
  2. get out of
  3. gets out
  4. get out
  5. gets out of
  6. _____________? - My favorite season is summer.
  7. What your favorite season?
  8. What’s your favorite season?
  9. What are your favorite season?
  10. What’s you favorite season?
  11. What did she do yesterday? - She ________ with her friends
  12. goes swimming
  13. went swimming
  14. goed swimming
  15. is going swimming
doc 24 trang Bảo Hà 10/02/2023 4140
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Nội dung text: Bộ 5 đề khảo sát chất lượng đầu năm môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 (Có đáp án)

  1. Bộ đề khảo sát chất lượng đầu năm lớp 6 môn Tiếng Anh Đề 1 Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest 1. A. who B. where C. whale D. why 2. A. come B. city C. class D. cook 3. A. eraser B. desk C. house D. student Exercise 2: Choose the word that has the different main stress 1. A. python B. below C. peacock D. funny 2. A. around B. monkey C. quickly D. circus Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D 1. Jim never ___ at the school canteen. A. is eating B. eats C. eat D. doesn’t eat 2. Which place would your family like ___? - New York. A. visit B. visits C. visiting D. to visit 3. ___ grows vegetables. A. An farmer B. Farmers C. Farmer D. A farmer
  2. 4. An astronaut can ___ the spaceship and walk in space. A. get out of B. gets out C. get out D. gets out of 5. ___? - My favorite season is summer. A. What your favorite season? B. What’s your favorite season? C. What are your favorite season? D. What’s you favorite season? 6. What did she do yesterday? - She ___ with her friends A. goes swimming B. went swimming C. goed swimming D. is going swimming 7. ___ would you like to visit, a museum or a pagoda? A. Which place B. Who C. How many D. How much 8. Where is he going to ___ in Hue? A. stay B. stays C. staying D. goes 9. There are four ___ in a year. A. spring
  3. B. summer C. seasons D. winter 10. It ___ warm and foggy in Paris tomorrow. A. is B. are C. will be D. will is Exercise 4: Translate the following sentences into English 1. Tôi thích mùa xuân vì có rất nhiều hoa ___ 2. Ngày mai thời tiết sẽ như thế nào? ___ 3. Đồ ăn rẻ ở vịnh Hạ Long. ___ Exercise 5: Read the following and choose the best answer Last Monday afternoon, Fred came home (1) ___ school with a headache. He didn’t do his homework. He (2) ___ watch TV. He only wanted to go to (3) ___. He was tired and his head was (4) ___. His mother took him some rice to eat. But he wasn’t hungry. He only had some fruits and some orange juice. Then he went to sleep. What a (5) ___ day. 1. A. to B. from C. between D. and 2. A. doesn’t B. isn’t C. don’t D. didn’t 3. A. bed B. zoo C. school D. class 4. A. cold B. cool C. hot D. sunny 5. A. wonderful B. terrible C. happy D. great Exercise 6: Reorder these words to make meaningful sentences 1. and/ Chocolate/ lot/ of/ fat/ has/ a/ sugar/.
  4. ___ 2. summer/ Where/ go/ last/ did/ you/ holiday/ ?/ ___ 3. Hanoi/ people/ has/ a lot of/ and/ tall buildings/ ./ ___ Exercise 7: Rewrite the following sentences 1. There are not so many people in my village. (have) ___ 2. London isn’t as beautiful as New York. (more . than) ___ 3. It will be stormy and windy tomorrow. (weather) ___ -The end- Đề 2 Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest 1. A. zoo B. book C. too D. boots 2. A. dear B. wear C. near D. year 3. A. twice B. kite C. skip D. time Exercise 2: Choose the odd one out 1. A. fox B. crow C. lamp D. hare 2. A. kind B. gentle C. story D. clever 3. A. ghost B. generous C. beautiful D. interesting Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer 1. My mother is reading a book. She often ___ books in her free time A. reads B. read
  5. C. reading D. reader 2. James is watching cartoon with his friends ___ the room. A. at B. on C. about D. in 3. Tony is ___ with his dog in the garden. A. play B. played C. playing D. plays 4. They play soccer in the ___. A. bakery B. house C. bookstore D. stadium 5. The bakery is ___ the bookstore. A. next B. on C. opposite D. stadium 6. Anna is ___ to play badminton with Tony on Sport Day A. go B. going C. goes D. went
  6. 7. How do peacocks move? - They move ___. A. beautifuly B. beauty C. beautifully D. beautiful 8. Elephants ___ water with their trucks. A. can sprays B. can spraying C. can spray D. can to spray 9. Will they ___ Sport Day? - Yes, they will A. join B. do C. practise D. take part in Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. Look! The plane ___ (fly) towards the airport. It ___ (land). 2. What you ___ (do) after you get up every day? - I ___ (do) morning exercises. 3. My brother and I ___ (visit) our grandmother at the weekend. 4. Tan often ___ (play) volleyball in the autumn. 5. Let’s help mom, Lan. She ___ (clean) the floor. Exercise 5: Make questions for the underlined parts 1. Our classmates are going to play table tennis on Sport Day. ___ 2. I am going to swim on Sports Day ___ 3. She is reading comic books.
  7. ___ Exercise 6: Correct one mistake in each of the following sentences 1. We often goes to the cinema at the weekend. ___ 2. When will Sport Day is? ___ 3. She is play table tennis ___ Exercise 7: Reorder these words to make correct sentences 1. Day/ will/ be/ weekend/ Sports/ this/ ./ ___ 2. table/ play/ Linda/ is/ tennis/ to/ going/./ ___ 3. hope/ we/ that/ we/ win/ will/ competitions/ the/ ./ ___ -The end- Đề 3 Exercise 1: Choose the word that has the different pattern stress 1. A. English B. notebook C. cartoon D. reading 2. A. email B. today C. speaking D. lesson 3. A. understand B. newcomer C. listening D. favorite Exercise 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest
  8. 1. A. start B. arm C. bar D. warm 2. A. five B. thing C. think D. will 3. A. who B. where C. whale D. why Exercise 3: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. Minh often (play) volleyball in the autumn ___ 2. We hope he (win) the competitions ___ 3. How many lessons Bella (have) today? - She (have) five lessons ___ 4. What your sister (read) now? - Cinderella ___ 5. Why Linda (learn) English? - She (want) to study aboard. ___ Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer 1. Anna ___ Japanese by talking to her foreign friends everyday. A. practise speaking B. practises speaking C. practises to speak D. practise to speak 2. My brother is good ___ Maths A. with B. on C. at D. in 3. ___ vocabulary, I write new words every day. A. Learn
  9. B. Learning C. To learn D. Learns 4. My ___ drink is orange juices. A. hate B. like C. favorite D. love 5. We are happy because we can ___ each other. A. understands B. understanding C. understand D. to understand 6. English is ___ communication. A. necessity for B. necessary for C. necessary with D. necessary to 7. My sister and I will build ___ on the beach A. sandcastles B. houses C. toy D. doll Exercise 5: Translate into English 1. Bạn có thường xuyên đến rạp phim không? - Một tuần một lần ___ 2. Địa chỉ của bạn là gì?
  10. ___ 3. Lớp học bắt đầu lúc 9 giờ và kết thúc lúc 11 giờ ___ Exercise 6: Read the following text and choose the best answer Mr. Phillip is a teacher. Four years ago, he ___ (1) maths in a small school in the country. But now, he is teaching at a high school in the city. Every day, he gets up at half past five and then ___ (2) morning exercise. After that, he takes a shower and has breakfast with ___ (3) family. He leaves home for work at about 7 o’clock. Yesterday was Sunday. Mr. Phillip ___ (4) go to work. He visited his grandparents and took his children to the zoo. They ___ (5) home at about half past nine. 1. A. teach B. teaches C. Is teaching D. taught 2. A. takes B. does C. plays D. listens 3. A. her B. him C. my D. his 4. A. not B. no C. doesn’t D. didn’t 5. A. returned B. again C. back D. come Exercise 7: Reorder these words to have correct sentences 1. newcomer/ Jack/ in/ Class/ is/ a/ 5D./ ___ 2. reading/ How/ practice/ do/ you/ English/ ?/ ___ 3. new/ words/ write/ I/ notebook/ my/ in/ ./ ___ -The end- Đề 4 Exercise 1: Choose the word that has the different main stress 1. A. between B. corner C. packet D. cartoon 2. A. popcorn B. sausage C. sandwich D. balloon
  11. Exercise 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest 1. A. summer B. student C. unhappy D. umbrella 2. A. exciting B. interesting C. expensive D. bridge 3. A. wool B. foot C. wood D. boot 4. A. temple B. engine C. excite D. elbow 5. A. India B. pilot C. invitation D. inventor Exercise 3:Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. What you ___ (do) last summer? - I ___ (visit) Hue Imperial City 2. What the weather ___ (be) tomorrow? - It ___ (rain) all day. I ___ (watch) weather forecast an hour ago. 3. Her favorite food ___ (be) pineapple juice. She usually ___ (drink) a glass of pineapple juice everyday. Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer 1. How much ___ do you want, Mom? A. oranges B. apples C. bananas D. rice 2. We are going to Nha Trang ___ vacation this summer. A. on B. in C. of D. to 3. Mai ___ cooking some vegetables in the kitchen. A. do B. does C. are
  12. D. is 4. It’s very ___ you to help me, Peter. A. kind at B. kind C. kind of D. kind to 5. What does she ___ now? A. wants to do B. want to do C. want do D. wants do 6. What is he ___ to do? A. go B. goes C. going D. is going 7. David often ___ his camera to his picnic. A. to bring B. bring C. brings D. bringing 8. I stay at home ___ my mom because she’s sick A. on B. with C. to D. in 9. I like New York ___ the people are very friendly.
  13. A. so B. and C. after D. because 10. Life in the city is ___ than life in the countryside. A. noisier B. noisy C. noisyer D. more noisy Exercise 5: Read the following text and choose the correct answer Last Monday afternoon, Fred came home (1) ___ school with a headache. He didn’t do his homework. He (2) ___ watch TV. He only wanted to go to (3) ___. He was tired and his head was (4) ___.His mother took him some rice to eat. But he wasn’t hungry. He only had some fruits and some fruits and some orange juice. Then he went to sleep. What a (5) ___ day. 1. A. to B. from C. between D. and 2. A. doesn’t B. isn’t C. don’t D. didn’t 3. A. bed B. zoo C. school D. class 4. A. cold B. cool C. hot D. sunny 5. A. wonderful B. terrible C. happy D. great Exercise 6: Make questions for the following answers 1. My favourite subject is Maths. ___ 2. It will be hot and sunny tomorrow. ___ 3. She is going to stay with her grandparents on her summer holiday. ___ Exercise 7: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences
  14. 1. come/ Where/ ,Tony/ do/ you/ from/?/ ___ 2. The/ will/ sunny/ next/ weather/ be/ week/./ ___ 3. The/ cheap/ in/ Ha Long/ food/ is/ Bay/./ ___ -The end- Đề 5 Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest 1. A. fall B. always C. walk D. half 2. A. spring B. drink C. kite D. picnic 3. A. summer B. usually C. tube D. menu 4. A. warm B. want C. water D. waste 5. A. season B. weather C. bean D. weak Exercise 2: Choose the odd one out 1. A. milk B. orange juice C. mineral water D. fish 2. A. speak B. draw C. time D. watch 3. A. doctor B. engineer C. job D. teacher Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer 1. Take an umbrella with you. It ___ outside A. rains B. rain C. rained D. is raining 2. After that, he ___ dinner. A. ate
  15. B. had C. have D. A & B 3. You should do morning exercise ___. A. regular B. regularly C. once a week D. never 4. The children are on the bus. They ___ to school. A. are going B. go C. are go D. went 5. They ___swimming last Sunday. A. go B. going C. went D. goes 6. What are you going ___ tomorrow? A. to do B. do C. did D. doing 7. We’re very ___ now. We don’t want any more food and drink A. cold B. hot C. full
  16. D. hungry Exercise 4: Read the following text and choose the most suitable word to fill in each blank singing reading Japan Korean has doesn’t favorite like My brother, Pam studies at Primary School. He is in Class 5E. He is a fan of (1) ___. He (2) ___ a big bookshelf with a lot of books and stories. He likes reading folk tales in his free time. His (3) ___ story is Aladin and the Magic Lamp. He is afraid of ghosts so he (4) ___ like ghost stories. He sometimes reads comic books. Now he is reading Doraemon. Doraemon is a story from (5) ___. The main character is very helpful. Sometimes, his friends can come to his house and borrow his books when he finish reading them Exercise 5: Rewrite the following sentences 1. Where is Doraemon from? (come) ___ 2. What is your favourite subject? (do) ___ 3. I have English on Tuesday and Thursday. (twice) ___ Exercise 6: Give the correct form of the words in brackets 1. How do you practise (listen) ___? 2. Tomorrow I’ll have three lessons: Maths, Music and (England) ___ 3. His hobby is (sing) ___ English songs. 4. Anna sings very (beautiful) ___. Exercise 7: Correct the mistakes 1. I have English four time a week ___ 2. Do you like play tennis? ___
  17. 3. What are you going to do? - I am going run a hundred metres. ___ -The end- Đáp án đề thi khảo sát chất lượng đầu năm lớp 6 môn Anh Đề 1 Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest 1. A 2. B 3. A Exercise 2: Choose the word that has the different main stress 1. B 2. A Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D 1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. A 9. C 10. C Exercise 4: Translate the following sentences into English 1. I like spring because there are a lot of flowers 2. What is the weather like tomorrow?
  18. 3. The food is cheap in Ha Long Bay. Exercise 5: Read the following and choose the best answer 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B Exercise 6: Reorder these words to make meaningful sentences 1. Chocolate has a lot of fat and sugar. 2. Where did you go last summer? 3. Hanoi has a lot of people and tall buildings. Exercise 7: Rewrite the following sentences 1. My village doesn’t have so many people 2. New York is more beautiful than New York. 3. The weather will be stormy and windy tomorrow. Đề 2 Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest 1. B. 2. B 3. C Exercise 2: Choose the odd one out 1. C 2. C 3. A Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer 1. A
  19. 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. D Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. Look! The plane __is flying___ (fly) towards the airport. It __is going to land___ (land). 2. What do you __do___ (do) after you get up every day? - I __do___ (do) morning exercises. 3. My brother and I __are going to visit___ (visit) our grandmother at the weekend. 4. Tan often ___plays___ (play) volleyball in the autumn. 5. Let’s help mom, Lan. She ___is cleaning___ (clean) the floor. Exercise 5: Make questions for the underlined parts 1. Who are going to play table tennis on Sport Day? 2. What are you going to do on Sport Day? 3. What is she reading? Exercise 6: Correct one mistake in each of the following sentences 1. goes => go 2. is => be 3. play => playing Exercise 7: Reorder these words to make correct sentences 1. Sport Day will be this weekend. 2. Linda is going to play table tennis.
  20. 3. We hope that we will win the competitions. Đề 3 Exercise 1: Choose the word that has the different pattern stress 1. C 2. B 3. A Exercise 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest 1. D 2. A 3. A Exercise 3: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. Minh often plays volleyball in the autumn 2.We hope he will win the competitions 3.How many lessons does Bella have today? - She has five lessons 4.What is your sister reading now? - Cinderella 5.Why does Linda learn English? - She wants to study aboard. Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. A Exercise 5: Translate into English 1. How often do you go to the cinema? - once a week
  21. 2. What is your address? 3. The class starts at 9 o’clock and finishes at 11 o’clock. Exercise 6: Read the following text and choose the best answer 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. A Exercise 7: Reorder these words to have correct sentences 1. Jack is a newcomer in Class 5D. 2. How do you practice reading English? 3. I write new words in my notebooks. Đề 4 Exercise 1: Choose the word that has the different main stress 1. A 2. D Exercise 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B Exercise 3:Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1. What did you ___do___ (do) last summer? - I ___visited___ (visit) Hue Imperial City
  22. 2. What will the weather __be___ (be) tomorrow? - It __will rain___ (rain) all day. I ___watched___ (watch) weather forecast an hour ago. 3. Her favorite food __is___ (be) pineapple juice. She usually ___drinks___ (drink) a glass of pineapple juice everyday. Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer 1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A Exercise 5: Read the following text and choose the correct answer 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B Exercise 6: Make questions for the following answers 1. What is your favorite subject? 2. What will the weather be tomorrow? 3. Who is she going to stay with on her summer holiday? Exercise 7: Rearrange the words to make meaningful sentences 1. Where do you come from, Tony?
  23. 2. The weather will be sunny next weekend. 3. The food is cheap in Ha Long Bay. Đề 5 Exercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B Exercise 2: Choose the odd one out 1. D 2. C 3. C Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C Exercise 4: Read the following text and choose the most suitable word to fill in each blank 1. reading 2. has 3. favorite
  24. 4. doesn’t 5. Japan Exercise 5: Rewrite the following sentences 1. Where does Doraemon come from? 2. What subject do you like? 3. I have English twice a week Exercise 6: Give the correct form of the words in brackets 1. Listening 2. English 3. Singing 4. Beautifully Exercise 7: Correct the mistakes 1. time => times 2. play => playing 3. run => to run