Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 English Discovery - Đề số 3 (Có lời giải)

A. Read the passage and decide if the sentences below are True (T) or False (F).  
A day in the life of a trainee astronaut 
It can take up to two years to train to be an astronaut. After training, some astronauts wait for ten years before 
they make their first trip into space. So what’s life like as a trainee astronaut? Well, we asked one! 
‘We all learn how to use and take care of the complex equipment we use, so we have many classes. These 
happen in a classroom, in machines that are a bit like real spaceships, and in the swimming pool. The 
swimming pool is very similar to being in space because you weigh much less in water! 
‘We also have to have language classes. My first language is Japanese, but I have to learn English and Russian 
too, so I can talk to the ground crew.’ 
31. Astronauts have ten years of training before they go into space. 
32. Astronauts practice in real spaceships.
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  1. ĐỀ THI THI HỌC KÌ 1 – ĐỀ SỐ 3 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 6 ENGLISH DISCOVERY I. PRONUNCIATION Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. 1. A. budgie B. lunch C. study D. usually 2. A. wakes B. exercises C. washes D. watches 3. A. listens B. plays C. works D. phones Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest. 4. A. surprise B. breakfast C. worried D. happy 5. A. tortoise B. often C. event D. winter II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Choose the best answer for each question. 6. Lan ___ in a café every Saturday morning. A. works B. does C. lives D. watches 7. An ___ the internet in the evening before he goes to bed. A. browses B. relaxes C. checks D. sees 8. She is a night owl ___ she never goes to bed before midnight. A. then B. and C. because D. but 9. My grandmother ___ eggs for breakfast every morning. A. is frying B. fries C. is fry D. fry 10. Peter ___ very hard. He never gets high scores in exams. A. studies B. don’t study C. doesn’t study D. study 11. My cousin loves birds, so his parents give him a ___ as a pet for his birthday. A. pony B. hamster C. budgie D. tortoise 12. My parents sometimes ask me and my brother to help them ___ the housework. A. make B. do C. check D. take 13. Tommy and Lucy love making new friends, so they ___ in extracurricular activities at school. A. catch B. play C. study D. participate 14. The woman ___ at 7 o’clock. After having breakfast, she ___ at 8 o’clock. A. get up - go to work B. getting up - going to work C. gets up - goes to work D. gets up - goes work 15. John doesn’t have many friends, but he is still very ___. A. happy B. unhappy C. tired D. sad 16. When summer holiday comes, I usually spend the evening ___ with my friends.
  2. A. to phone B. to chat C. phoning D. chatting Complete this passage with the Present Simple form of the verbs in brackets. My dog Copper has got bad habits. He (17) ___ (not sleep) at night. Instead, he (18) ___ (play) with the neighbour’s cats. Sometimes he (19) ___ (stay) at home. You may think that he is good on such days. But he always (20)___ (wake) me up in the middle of my sleep, and I can’t get up early the next morning. Write the correct forms of the words in brackets. 21. Hoa is ___ because she has an exam tomorrow. (WORRY) 22. I go for a walk every day. I feel ___. (RELAX) 23. My students often do their ___ in the evening. (WORK) 24. My sister always ___ her friends when I’m studying. It’s noisy. (TELEPHONE) 25. The death of the farmer’s pony makes him very ___. (HAPPY) III. LISTENING Which caller matches each description? Listen to a radio programme and choose your answer from the box and write the correct letter (A, B, or C) next to questions 26-30. A. Maggie B. Findlay C. Iliana 26. The caller is not happy with their jobs. 27. The caller does boring things on Sundays. 28. The caller plays computer games. 29. The caller sometimes doesn’t remember what day it is. 30. The caller suggests that being with friends is a good idea. IV. READING A. Read the passage and decide if the sentences below are True (T) or False (F). A day in the life of a trainee astronaut It can take up to two years to train to be an astronaut. After training, some astronauts wait for ten years before they make their first trip into space. So what’s life like as a trainee astronaut? Well, we asked one! ‘We all learn how to use and take care of the complex equipment we use, so we have many classes. These happen in a classroom, in machines that are a bit like real spaceships, and in the swimming pool. The swimming pool is very similar to being in space because you weigh much less in water! ‘We also have to have language classes. My first language is Japanese, but I have to learn English and Russian too, so I can talk to the ground crew.’ 31. Astronauts have ten years of training before they go into space. 32. Astronauts practice in real spaceships.
  3. 33. Working in a swimming pool is a bit like working in space. 34. All astronauts have to learn Japanese. 35. The trainee astronaut learns English and Russian to communicate with the ground crew. B. Read the passage and fill in the gaps with A, B, C, or D. Crazy Free Time Activities For most people, having a holiday usually (36) ___ a chance to relax by the pool with a cocktail or wander around town. For others, the real escape only happens when they join in crazy activities! Now let’s look at two of them! BASE jumping: It is an extremely (37) ___ activity. BASE jumpers jump off tall buildings, bridges, and cliffs. BASE jumpers wear a small parachute and sometimes a wingsuit. They fall very quickly, so it's important to open the parachute very fast. They haven't got much time to use the parachute (38) ___ they hit the ground. Cave diving: It is a very dangerous underwater activity. People dive into water and (39) ___ through the caves. The caves are very dark and the divers wear a strong light on their heads. Sometimes the light breaks, (40) ___ they carry two extra lights with them. 36. A. mean B. means C. meaning D. to mean 37. A. boring B. tiring C. sad D. exciting 38. A. before B. in C. at D. after 39. A. run B. walk C. go D. swim 40. A. because B. but C. so D. and V. WRITING Write questions to go with these answers. 41. I watch TV in the morning and in the evening. → ___. 42. My sister goes to school by bus. → ___. 43. I have a party every six months. → ___. Use the given words or phrases to make complete sentences. 44. My mother/ usually/ go/ walk/ morning. → ___. 45. She/ wake/ 7 o’clock/ every day. → ___. 46. She/ sometimes/ listen/ music/ but/ never/ watch/ films. → ___. 47. your sister/ often/ chat/ friends?
  4. ĐỀ THI THI HỌC KÌ 1 – ĐỀ SỐ 3 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 6 ENGLISH DISCOVERY I. PRONUNCIATION Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. 1. A. budgie B. lunch C. study D. usually 2. A. wakes B. exercises C. washes D. watches 3. A. listens B. plays C. works D. phones Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest. 4. A. surprise B. breakfast C. worried D. happy 5. A. tortoise B. often C. event D. winter II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Choose the best answer for each question. 6. Lan ___ in a café every Saturday morning. A. works B. does C. lives D. watches 7. An ___ the internet in the evening before he goes to bed. A. browses B. relaxes C. checks D. sees 8. She is a night owl ___ she never goes to bed before midnight. A. then B. and C. because D. but 9. My grandmother ___ eggs for breakfast every morning. A. is frying B. fries C. is fry D. fry 10. Peter ___ very hard. He never gets high scores in exams. A. studies B. don’t study C. doesn’t study D. study 11. My cousin loves birds, so his parents give him a ___ as a pet for his birthday. A. pony B. hamster C. budgie D. tortoise 12. My parents sometimes ask me and my brother to help them ___ the housework. A. make B. do C. check D. take 13. Tommy and Lucy love making new friends, so they ___ in extracurricular activities at school. A. catch B. play C. study D. participate 14. The woman ___ at 7 o’clock. After having breakfast, she ___ at 8 o’clock. A. get up - go to work B. getting up - going to work C. gets up - goes to work D. gets up - goes work 15. John doesn’t have many friends, but he is still very ___. A. happy B. unhappy C. tired D. sad 16. When summer holiday comes, I usually spend the evening ___ with my friends.