Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 English Discovery - Đề số 4 (Có lời giải)

Listen and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.  
Philadelphia School of the Future 
• Pupils here don't need to carry (26) __________ to all of their classes. 
• Today, from 9:15 to 10:00, pupils here have a (27) _________ lesson. 
• In this lesson, pupils are not using (28) _______ to learn about measurement. 
• The teacher walks around the room, helps students and asks them (29) _______. 
• Teachers use computerised (30) _________ instead of traditional ones. 
Read the text and the statements below. Which section (A, B, or C) is each sentence about? You can use 
the letters more than once. 
My First PE Class: Playing Football 

I’m Danny, a pupil at Garfield Grammar School. At school, we have two PE lessons every week. At the 
moment, I’m in my first PE class at my new school. I’m standing with all of my classmates in the centre of 
the school yard. 

Our teacher is telling us how to play football. It’s my first time playing football with my classmates. There 
are two teams in this game. You have to kick the ball to the goal of the other team. If you are the goalkeeper, 
you need to try your best to catch the ball from the other team.
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Nội dung text: Đề thi học kì 1 môn Tiếng Anh 6 English Discovery - Đề số 4 (Có lời giải)

  1. ĐỀ THI THI HỌC KÌ 1 – ĐỀ SỐ 4 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 6 ENGLISH DISCOVERY I. PRONUNCIATION Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. 1. A. student B. ugly C. umbrella D. cucumber 2. A. books B. bags C. pencils D. whiteboards 3. A. music B. blue C. tutor D. calculator Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest. 4. A. calculator B. pencil C. textbook D. projector 5. A. Chemistry B. English C. Geography D. Drama II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Choose the best answer for each question 6. Ms. Mai is our English teacher. She ___ in class 6A at the moment. A. teaches B. is teaching C. teach D. teaching 7. There are twenty six ___ in this class. They all learn very well. A. pupils B. teachers C. tutors D. friends 8. “Are you feeling tired?” - “___” A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, you are. C. Yes, you aren’t. D. No, I am. 9. I find it difficult to ___ friends with new classmates. A. make B. do C. go D. meet 10. Beside posters, teachers in this school use ___ to show pictures in many lessons. A. calculators. B. rulers C. projectors D. sports bag 11. Every pupil in the classroom ___ looking at the whiteboard. A. is B. am C. are D. aren’t 12. Teachers do not allow 6th grade pupils to use ___ to do Maths. A. pencil cases B. calculators C. textbooks D. rulers 13. There’s a shop on both sides of the library. The library ___ two shops. A. under B. on C. next to D. between 14. The lemon tree is ___ of the house. A. behind B. in front C. next to D. under 15. The students ___ Vietnamese in English classes. A. don’t speak B. doesn’t speak C. not speak D. speaks 16. I can't talk on the phone now. I ___ home. A. drive B. drives C. am driving D. is driving
  2. 17. ___ you ___ to school by bike every day? A. Do going B. Does go C. Are going D. Do go 18. At school, we learn two foreign languages including English and ___. A. History B. Geography C. PE D. French 19. We are all busy at the moment. We are revising ___ exams. A. to B. for C. in D. at 20. In ___ lessons, students learn about numbers. A. Chemistry B. Geography C. Maths D. Biology Fill in the blank with the correct form of the words. 21. Which foreign language do you learn at school, French or ___? (ENGLAND) 22. In Maths lessons, pupils sometimes need to use ___. (CALCULATE) 23. One of ___ skills we learn at school is using body language. (PRESENT) 24. Don’t forget to bring your ___ bags. (SPORT) 25. Teachers in this school can use ___ to show pictures. (PROJECT) III. LISTENING Listen and fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. Philadelphia School of the Future • Pupils here don't need to carry (26) ___ to all of their classes. • Today, from 9:15 to 10:00, pupils here have a (27) ___ lesson. • In this lesson, pupils are not using (28) ___ to learn about measurement. • The teacher walks around the room, helps students and asks them (29) ___. • Teachers use computerised (30) ___ instead of traditional ones. IV. READING Read the text and the statements below. Which section (A, B, or C) is each sentence about? You can use the letters more than once. My First PE Class: Playing Football A I’m Danny, a pupil at Garfield Grammar School. At school, we have two PE lessons every week. At the moment, I’m in my first PE class at my new school. I’m standing with all of my classmates in the centre of the school yard. B Our teacher is telling us how to play football. It’s my first time playing football with my classmates. There are two teams in this game. You have to kick the ball to the goal of the other team. If you are the goalkeeper, you need to try your best to catch the ball from the other team. C
  3. Now we start the game. One of my classmates is having the ball now and is running very fast to the goal. The players on the other team are trying to catch her. However, we need to stop now as the bell is ringing. Everyone in my class loves this game. Which section Letter (A, B, C) 31. says what Danny’s classmates think about the game of football ? 32. says who Danny is playing football with? 33. explains the rules of football? 34. says where Danny and his classmates are playing football? 35. says the number of PE lessons Danny has per week.? Read the text and the statements below. Which statement is true (T) or false (F)? Write T or F. My name is Anna. Today is my first day at school. I am a new student. My father drives me to school. I have a blue school bag. There is a book, a pencil, a ruler and some crayons in my school bag. My school is really big. It has many different rooms. There are fifteen classrooms, a library, a computer room, and a music room. There is also a small playground where students can play together during break time. I am in classroom number Two. It is big and has a whiteboard. There are twenty students in my class. Each student has a desk and a chair. My teacher is very nice. I need to listen to the teacher and I am quiet when she speaks. My teacher tells me to sit next to a girl. Her name is Joan. I really like my new school. 36. There is only a pencil and a ruler in Anna’s school bag. ___ 37. Anna’s school bag is green. ___ 38. Anna’s school has eighteen classrooms. ___ 39. In her classroom, Anna has her own desk and chair. ___ 40. Students are quiet when the teacher speaks. ___ V. WRITING Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences. 41. catch/ We/ every/ the/ bus/ morning/. → ___ 42. long/ Each/ lesson/ forty-five minutes/ is/. → ___ 43. is/ Linda/ a/ riding/ at the moment/ bike/. → ___ 44. is/ English/ foreign/ one/ languages/ of/ at school/ the//. → ___
  4. ĐỀ THI THI HỌC KÌ 1 – ĐỀ SỐ 4 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 6 ENGLISH DISCOVERY I. PRONUNCIATION Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. 1. A. student B. ugly C. umbrella D. cucumber 2. A. books B. bags C. pencils D. whiteboards 3. A. music B. blue C. tutor D. calculator Choose the word that has a different stressed syllable from the rest. 4. A. calculator B. pencil C. textbook D. projector 5. A. Chemistry B. English C. Geography D. Drama II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Choose the best answer for each question 6. Ms. Mai is our English teacher. She ___ in class 6A at the moment. A. teaches B. is teaching C. teach D. teaching 7. There are twenty six ___ in this class. They all learn very well. A. pupils B. teachers C. tutors D. friends 8. “Are you feeling tired?” - “___” A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, you are. C. Yes, you aren’t. D. No, I am. 9. I find it difficult to ___ friends with new classmates. A. make B. do C. go D. meet 10. Beside posters, teachers in this school use ___ to show pictures in many lessons. A. calculators. B. rulers C. projectors D. sports bag 11. Every pupil in the classroom ___ looking at the whiteboard. A. is B. am C. are D. aren’t 12. Teachers do not allow 6th grade pupils to use ___ to do Maths. A. pencil cases B. calculators C. textbooks D. rulers 13. There’s a shop on both sides of the library. The library ___ two shops. A. under B. on C. next to D. between 14. The lemon tree is ___ of the house. A. behind B. in front C. next to D. under 15. The students ___ Vietnamese in English classes. A. don’t speak B. doesn’t speak C. not speak D. speaks 16. I can't talk on the phone now. I ___ home. A. drive B. drives C. am driving D. is driving