Đề thi học sinh giỏi môn Tiếng Anh 6 - Đề 10 (Có đáp án + File nghe)


III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (10 points)

 1.  A. album                         B. use                         C. amusement           D. united

 2.  A. minority                     B. gramophone         C. robbery                 D. monument

 3. A. attraction                    B. battle                     C. veteran                  D. character

 4. A. invention                    B. depend                  C. resort                     D. defeat

 5.  A. hoped                         B. looked                   C. opened                  D. washed

Write your answer here

1 __________          2___________         3___________         4 _________ 5 _________


IV. Choose the word with different stress pattern. Write A, B, C or D in the space provided (10points)

1. A. surprise                         B. sugar                       C. profession           D. success

2. A. advance                        B. around                    C. industry               D. imperial

3. A. natural                           B. national                  C. literature              D. suggestion

4. A. charming                      B. champagne            C. children               D. charity

5. A. decide                           B. around                   C. popular               D. enjoy

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  1. ĐỀ THI CHỌN HỌC SINH NĂNG KHIẾU CẤP HUYỆN ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Môn: Tiếng Anh 6 (ĐỀ CHUNG) Thời gian làm bài 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Đề thi có 07 trang Điểm Họ tên, chữ ký giám khảo Số phách Bằng số: ___ 1. Bằng chữ: ___ 2. Chú ý: - Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi. - Thí sinh không được sử dụng bất cứ tài liệu gì kể cả từ điển. SECTION 1: LISTENING. Part I. Listen to a conversation and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). (10 points) T F 1. Sarah is a teacher. 2. She usually arrives at work at nine o’clock. 3. Sarah always brings a sandwich from home. 4. She often has work to do in the evening. 5 She never goes out during the week. Part II. Listen and fill in the gaps in the table. ( 10 points) Student 1: Student 2: Student 3: Name:Celine (0) Poulain Name:Manuel Garcia Name: Eva (3) ___ Nationality: French Nationality: (2) ___ Nationality: Finnish Age: 25 Age: 32 Age: (4) ___ Job:(1) ___ Job: Engineer Job: (5) ___ Write your answer here 1 ___ 2___ 3___ 4 ___ 5 ___ SECTION 2: PHONETICS. III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (10 points) 1. A. album B. use C. amusement D. united 2. A. minority B. gramophone C. robbery D. monument 3. A. attraction B. battle C. veteran D. character 4. A. invention B. depend C. resort D. defeat 5. A. hoped B. looked C. opened D. washed Write your answer here 1 ___ 2___ 3___ 4 ___ 5 ___ Trang 1
  2. IV. Choose the word with different stress pattern. Write A, B, C or D in the space provided (10points) 1. A. surprise B. sugar C. profession D. success 2. A. advance B. around C. industry D. imperial 3. A. natural B. national C. literature D. suggestion 4. A. charming B. champagne C. children D. charity 5. A. decide B. around C. popular D. enjoy Write your answer here 1. ___ 2.___ 3. ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ SECTION 3: VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR. V. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence, identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. )(50 points) 1. We always need more players. Why don’t you come___? A. on B. along C. with D. after 2. Will you be home dinner tonight? A. to B. for C. at D. on 3. Giving a book report before the class is an interesting ___ A. act B. action C. activity D. deed 4. Do you go out ___? A. in the afternoon on Fridays B. on Fridays in the afternoon C. on afternoons Friday D. on Friday afternoons 5. .lives in a very big house A. A Queen of England B. Queen of England C. The Queen of the England D. the Queen of England 6. On Sunday mornings I stay in bed ___8 o’clock. A. until B. at C. from D. to 7. I often ___in winter. A. go playing skiing B. go skiing C. play skiing D. go to ski 8. Some young people are working ___hospital volunteers. A. to be B. such as C. like D. as 9. We shouldn’t cross the street outside the ___ A. pavement B. foot lane C. sidewalk D. zebra crossing 10. They ___healthy after the summer vacation. A. looked B. were seeming C. were looking D. were appearing 11. They meet their friends and ___some fun. A. take B. have C. do D. enjoy 12. You should pay more ___in class. A. part B. care C. notice D. attention 13. He and his friends usually get ___and talk about their stamps. A. together B. themselves C. each other D. one another 14. He likes stamps. He is a stamp ___ A. collect B. collecting C. collector D. collects 15. Some students say they are ___have no time for pastime. A. hurry B. busy C. full D. hard 16. It’s difficult to cross this street because there is too much ___ A. crowd B. traffic C. people D. transport 17. There aren’t any good movies ___at the moment. A. going on B. being on C. performing D. showing 18. Sorry I can’t come but thanks ___ Trang 2
  3. A. any ways B. any way C. anyway D. in anyway 19. Look at ___.girl over there. A. one B. this C. that D. a 20. Would you like to come to my house for lunch? A. Yes, I do B. I’d love to C. Yes, I like D. OK. I’d like 21. Linda: “Do you live in the country or in the city?” ~ Daisy: “___” A. Yes, I do B. I live in the city C. No, I don’t D. I live on the city 22. Tom: “___”~ Jake: “She is kind.” A. What does your teacher like? B. What would your teacher like? C. What does your teacher look like D. What is your teacher like? 23. Bill: “Are you John?” John: “___” A. All right B. Turn right C. That’s right D. You right 24 . She is studying hard. She is going to be___ student in my class. A. the best B. best C. the better D. better 25. Nam can wait hours for his friends without getting angry. He is a ___boy. A. hard-working B. free C. patient D. active Write your answer here 1 ___ 2___ 3___ 4 ___ 5 ___ 6 ___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10___ 11 ___ 12___ 13___ 14___ 15___ 16 ___ 17___ 18___ 19___ 20___ 21 ___ 22___ 23___ 24___ 25___ VI. Supply the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. (5 points) 1. Tom (1) ( not come ) ___ here tomorrow 2. Trees (2) ( plant ) ___ since it (3) ( stop ) ___ raining 3. My sister always (4)( wear)___ nice clothes for work. Today she (5) (wear)___ a blue jacket and shirt. Write your answer here 1 2 3 4 5 VII. Give the correct form of the words in capital to complete the sentences. (10 points) 1. It is ___to go hiking in this area. (DANGER) 2. Ha Long Bay is number one ___ wonder in Vietnam. (NATURE) 3. Mary is the ___ of the English speaking club in my class. (LEAD) Trang 3
  4. 4. Big cities in Vietnam are too busy and ___ (POLLUTE) 5. Hoi An is a ___city with a lot of old houses, shops and buildings. (HISTORY) 6. My trip to Phong Nha Ke Bang is ___ experience. (FORGET) 7. There are many ___ festivals in Vietnam. (TRADITION) 8. We should eat less fast food or junk food because they are ___ (HEALTH) 9. Visitors come to Hue because there are many tourist ___ (ATTRACT) 10. Thousands of people were made ___by the earthquake in Indonesia. (HOME) Write your answer here 1 ___ 2___ 3___ 4 ___ 5 ___ 6 ___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10___ VIII. Circle the letter A,B,C or D before the mistake in each sentence. then correct them (5 points) 1. If you are interesting in history, you can visit many ancient monuments. A B C D 2. Sports and games make our body strength, prevent us from getting too fat. A B C D 3. An English friend of me, Mary, usually sends me American stamps. A B C D 4. Does it make a long time to go from Hue to Ha Noi by train? A B C D 5. There are less TV programs for teenagers than there are for adults. A B C D Write your answers here 1 2 3 4 5 Mistake . Correction SECTION 4: READING. IX. Read the passage. Then choose one suitable word to fill in the gaps. (20 points) The rockies The rockies Mountain run almost the length (0)___ North American. They start in the North- West, but lie only a (1)___ hundred miles from the centre in more southern areas. Although the Rockies are smaller (2)___ the Alps, they are no less wonderful. There are many roads across the Rockies, (3)___ the best way to see them is to (4)___ by train. You start from Vancouver, (5)___ most attractive of Canada’s big cities. Standing with its feet in the water and its head in the mountains, this city (6)___ its residents to ski on slopes just 15 minutes by car from the city (7)___ .Thirty passenger trains a day used to (8)___ off from Vancouver on the cross- continent railway. Now there are just three a week, but the ride is still a great adventure. You sleep on board, (9)___ is fun, but travel through some of the best (10)___ at night. 0 A. in B. down C. of D. through 1 A. many B. lot C. few D. couple Trang 4
  5. 2 A. from B. to C. as D. than 3 A. but B. because C. unless D. since 4 A. drive B. travel C. ride D. pass 5 A. a B. one C. the D. Its 6 A. lest B. allows C. offers D. gives 7 A. centre B. circle C. middle D. heart 8 A. leave B. get C. take D. set 9 A. when B. which C. who D. where 10 A. scenery B. view C. site D. beauty Write your answer here 1 ___ 2___ 3___ 4 ___ 5 ___ 6 ___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10___ X. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (20 points) In the USA, students (1)___their secondary education at the age of 11. First they (2)___to Middle School for three years. Then they go for High School for four years, from the age 14 to 18. Some students (3)___ school when they are 16 and (4)___ jobs. But most students (5)___at High School still they are 18. Then they (6) ___ exams and they get “High School Diploma”. There aren’t any national exams. All students at secondary school in the USA (7)___English, maths, science, and P.E., but students (8)___other subjects, so they don’t all study the same subjects. About 90% of (9)___ in the USA go to state school. About 10% go to (10)___ schools. Most of the private schools are religious schools. Write your answer here 1 ___ 2___ 3___ 4 ___ 5 ___ 6 ___ 7___ 8___ 9___ 10___ XI. Read the following passage, then answer the questions by circling A, B, C or D. (10 pts) CRICKET Cricket is an English game. People from most other countries think it is very, very slow, but the English think it is exciting. There are two teams with eleven players on each team in a cricket match. They play outdoors on a field. They play around two wickets. A wicket is three sticks in the ground with two sticks across them at the top. The wickets are twenty meters apart. One player is a bowler. He stands by one wicket and throws a ball at the other wicket. He tries to hit one of the top sticks and make it fall to the ground. Another player is a batsman. He holds a stick called a bat. He stands behind the second wicket. He tries to hit the ball before it hits the sticks. If he hits the ball, he runs to the other wicket. Sometimes he can run from one wicket to the other several times until a player in the field catches the ball and throws it back to the wickets. An important match can continue for 4 or 5 days. The players make hundreds of runs. Cricket began in England in the 1300s. It became a major sport in the 1700s. Englishmen taught the game to people in their colonies. Today cricket is still popular in most of those countries. 1. ___people play cricket at one time. A. Two B. Six C. Eleven D. Twenty-two 2. A player tries to hit the ball with___ . Trang 5
  6. A. a bat B. a wicket C. his foot D. his head 3. The bowler tries to___ . A. hit the bat B. hit the wicket C. run to the wicket D. run into the field 4. If the batsman hits the ball with his bat, he___. A. runs into the field B. runs to the other wicket C. tries to hit the wicket D. tries to hit the bowler 5. Cricket became popular in England in the ___ century. A. eleventh B. fourteenth C. eighteenth D. twentieth Write your answer here 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SECTION 5: WRITING XII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the first one. (20 points) 1. Nobody plays this piece of music as beautifully as he does. → He plays this 2. We spent five hours getting to London. → It took 3. Listening to music gives him pleasure. → He enjoys 4. She is more beautiful than her younger sister. → Her 5. They began studying English in 2015. → They 6. You ought to go to school now. → It’s time 7. We couldn’t keep on cleaning the streets because of the heavy rain. → Because it . 8. We can’t afford to buy the car. → The car is 9. People say that he wins the first prize. → He is said to 10. She bought that house in 1990. → She has XIII. Use the words and phrases given to write meaningful sentences. You can add or change anything necessary. (10 points) 1. There / good restaurant/ that/ street/so / my friends / I/ eat/ there/./ 2. My sister/ enjoy/ go/ the cinema/ her/ friends /./ 3. Which/ activity/ use/ more/ calories/ walking/ or/ riding/ bicycle/?/ Trang 6
  7. 4. You/ better / eat /too / candies /because /they / not good /your teeth /./ 5. performance/ she/ give/ last night/ marvellous /./ XIV. Write a paragraph (about 80 – 100 words ) to tell about a person you love or admire (10 points) (Viết một bài (Khoảng 80 - 100 từ) kể về một người em yêu quý hoặc ngưỡng mộ bằng Tiếng Anh) Lưu ý: Thí sinh không được viết Tên của mình và Tên trường trong bài luận./. THE END Trang 7
  8. (Hướng dẫn chấm có 3 trang) HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM ĐỀ THI HỌC SINH NĂNG KHIẾU CẤP HUYỆN Môn: Tiếng Anh 6 (ĐỀ CHUNG) SECTION 1: LISTENING. (20 points) I. Part I. Listen to a conversation and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). (10 points) 5 x 2 = 10 points 1. T 2 F 3. F 4. T 5. F Part II. Listen to a school secretary talking to one of the teachers and fill in the gaps in the table. (10 points) 5 x 2 = 10 points 1. doctor 2. Mexican 3. Lipponen 4. twenty-one / 24 5. Artist SECTION 2: PHONETICS. (20 points) III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D. (10 point) . (2 x 5 = 10pts) 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B VI. Choose the word with different stress pattern. Write A, B, C or D in the space provided ( 2 x 5 = 10 pt) 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C SECTION 3: VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR. ( 70 points) V. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence, identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D. (50 points) ( 2 x 25= 50pts) 1 .B 2. B 3. C 4 .D 5 . D 6 . A 7. B 8. D 9. D 10.A 11 . B 12. D 13. C 14. C 15.B 16 . B 17. D 18. C 19. D 20. B 21 . B 22. D 23. C 24. A 25. C VI. Supply the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets. ( 5 points) ( 1 x 5 = 5 points) 1 Won’t come / isn’t coming 2 have been planted 3 stopped 4 wears 5 is wearing VII. Give the correct form of the words in capital to complete the sentences. (10 points) (1x 10= 10 points) Write your answer here 1. dangerous 2. natural 3. leader 4. polluted 5. historic 6. unforgettable 7. traditional 8. unhealthy 9. attractions 10. homeless Trang 8
  9. VIII. Find one mistake in each sentence. (5 points ) ( 1 x 5 = 5 points) 1 2 3 4 5 Mistake B. A B A A Correction interested strong mine take fewer SECTION D: READING. ( 50 points) IX. Read the passage. Then choose one suitable word to fill in the gaps. (20 points) (2 x 10 = 20 pts) 1. C 2. D 3. B 4. B 5.C 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C X. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. (20 points) (2 x 10 = 20pts) 1. start 2. go 3. leave 4. find 5. stay 6. take 7. study 8. choose 9. students 10. private XI. Read the following passage, then answer the questions by circling A, B, C or D. (1.0 pt) (2 x 5 = 10pts) 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C SECTION 5: WRITING. ( 40 points ) XII. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the first one. (20 points) (2 x 10= 20pts) 1. He plays this piece of music most beautifully. 2. It took us five hours to get to London. 3. He enjoys listening to music. 4. Her younger sister isn’t as beautiful as she is. 5. They have studied English since 2004./ They have been studying 6. It’s time for you to go to school. 7. Because it rained heavily, we couldn’t keep on cleaning the streets. 8. The car is too expensive for us to buy. 9. He is said to win the first prize. 10. She has bought that house since 1990. XIII. Use the words and phrases given to write meaningful sentences. You can add or change anything necessary. (10 points) (2 x 5= 10pts) 1. There is a good restaurant on that street, so my friends and I often eat there. 2. My sister enjoys going to the cinema with her friends. 3. Which activity uses more calories, walking or riding a bicycle? 4. You’d better not eat too much of candies because they aren’t good for your teeth. 5 . The performance she gave last night was marvellous. XIV. Write a paragraph (about 80 – 100 words ) to tell about a person you love or admire (10 points) Trang 9
  10. (Viết một bài (Khoảng 80 - 100 từ) kể về một người em yêu quý hoặc ngưỡng mộ bằng Tiếng Anh) Tiêu chí chấm: 1. Bố cục (có đầy đủ câu mở đầu, phát triển ý và kết luân 0.2 2. Ý phát triển logic, có dấu hiệu chuyển ý 0.2 3. Từ vựng (đa dạng, chính xác) 0.2 4. Ngữ pháp (đúng, đa dạng) 0.2 - Sai dưới 4 lỗi không trừ điểm. - Sai trên 4 lỗi, hoặc sai những lỗi nặng trừ 0.2 điểm/1 lỗi. Tham khảo: Write about a person you love or admire My mother is a person I admire most. She devoted a lot of time and energy to the upbringing of my two brothers and I. Despite working hard, she always made time to teach us many useful things which are necessary and important in our later lives. Moreover, she is a good role model for me to follow. She always tries to get on well with people who live next door and help everyone when they are in difficulties, so most of them respect and love her. I admire and look up to my mother because she not only brings me up well but also stands by me and gives some help if necessary. For example, when I encounter some difficulties, she will give me some precious advice to help me solve those problems. She has a major influence on me and I hope that I will inherit some of her traits. Lưu ý: - Đáp án+ Hướng dẫn chấm này chỉ là một trong những cách giải. Thí sinh có thể làm theo cách khác, giám khảo căn cứ vào bài làm cụ thể của thí sinh để cho điểm. TOTAL: 200 POINTS (= 20 ĐIỂM) THE END . Trang 10